Office of Data & Analytics

The Office of Data and Analytics — SEU’s primary expression of institutional research — provides data, research, and analysis in support of the mission and strategic plan of Southeastern University. Data and Analytics empowers academic, administrative, and support service units with research, analytics, data management, internal and external reporting, and strategic solutions.

Data Request

Making informed decisions is critical to the success of your department or team. The Office of Data and Analytics is here to support you in your efforts to plan, execute core processes, and make decisions based on actionable data. You can submit a data request using the form below. Make sure to fill out all required fields so that we can best facilitate your request.

Data Request Form — The Office of Data and Analytics handles internal data requests for staff and faculty members. Using this form, you can submit a data request to our office. Please provide as much information and context as possible for your request. Due to the complexity of our data ecosystem, if we have any further questions about your request, we will reach out via email.

BI Applications

The Office of Data and Analytics develops and manages internal business intelligence and reporting solutions on the Microsoft Power BI platform. These applications provide SEU stakeholders with access to official and operational information, which is designed to inform timely and actionable decision-making.
Some of these applications are available to anyone on staff at SEU with a Power BI Pro license. To ensure compliance with governing regulatory requirements, data security, and privacy best practices, some applications are published with role-level security and permissions. If you attempt to access a report or dashboard and are prevented from doing so, check with your SEU supervisor to determine if you should be granted access.

  • Enrollment Reports 
    • The Enrollment Reports application includes multiple reports that provide users with key data and analytics regarding current student enrollment at SEU. 
    • Audience: Any user at SEU with a Power BI Pro license may access the general reports. Some reports within the application are only available for specific departments.
  • Site Information Report
    • The Site Information Report includes current enrollment and credit hour data for students at SEU’s Network extension sites, as well as account information, academic standing, and enrollment history.
    • Audience: SEU Network staff with a Power BI Pro license.
  • At-Risk Students Report 
    • The At-Risk Students report contains information about students’ At-Risk status related to academic performance at SEU. This report should only be used to view the calculated At-Risk status for students and not as a course enrollment resource. 
    • Audience: This report is available to SEU staff with a Power BI Pro license. It is restricted by role-level security based on academic unit or advisee responsibilities. 
  • Assessment
    • This Power BI App includes the following reports: Rubrics, Course Evaluation, Graduating Student Survey, Quizzes Report, Thriving Quotient, Student Satisfaction Survey.
    • Audience: Any SEU staff with a Power BI Pro license. The course evaluation report includes role-level security. 
  • LMS Engagement 
    • The LMS Engagement app currently includes the Instructor Engagement Report, which provides academic leadership with essential instructor-student engagement metrics from the LMS. 
    • Audience: Academic Deans, Chairs, and University leadership.
  • RPG Report (Retention, Persistence & Graduation)
    • The RPG app is a multi-year investigation into student success at SEU. The initiative combines the investigative framework of Retention, Persistence, and Graduation (RPG) with a repository of data analytics. 
    • Audience: Any SEU staff with a Power BI Pro license. 
  • My Major My Job
    • The My Major My Job app provides users with the ability to explore information about where SEU graduates have gone to study and work. This app offers insights into career pathways following graduation from the University’s major programs. 
    • Audience: Any SEU staff with a Power BI Pro license.
  • Student Success Report
    • The Student Success App currently includes the Advising reports, which provides users with information about registration activity, FW grade activity, academic standing, and academic standing grad activity. 
    • Audience: Student Success staff with a Power BI Pro license

Data on Demand Self-Service

The Office of Data and Analytics is committed to expanding data self-service offerings through a feature in JICS called Data on Demand. This service allows academic and academic support personnel to select and download list-based datasets, containing essential information about program enrollment, advisees, course schedules, and course rosters.

External Reporting

Accredited postsecondary institutions like ours must curate and submit a large volume of reports to various external agencies each year. We work with teams across the university to prepare the requisite data and prepare reports for submission to federal, state, and organizational entities. These reports allow us to maintain compliance with regulatory requirements, thereby ensuring the continued availability of financial aid, key organizational memberships, and other sources of institutional value.

Department Contacts

Justin Rose, MTS
Associate Vice President
Information Management & Digital Learning

Jordan Kleinhenn
Director, Institutional Research

Paquita Copeland, JD
Director, Institutional Analytics and Data Design

Julian Kraslow
Data Analyst