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Dr. Paul B. Stewart

Jannetides College of Business, Communication & Leadership

Chair; Professor of Communication


Ph.D. Rhetoric and Public Address, University of Maryland
B.A. Communication Theory, The Wichita State University
B.S. Speech Education, Greenville University


Dr. Paul Stewart teaches human communication and CORE courses for the Communication, Arts, and Media Department, at Southeastern University. He loves teaching and believes that Christian liberal arts education is one of the best means for building the Kingdom of God. He has been fascinated with communication ever since, as a young boy, he listened to Dick and Bert radio commercials (of the Orkin and Berdis Agency -- Stewart originally studied persuasion with the intention of becoming a wealthy advertising executive). His academic interests include the history of American public discourse, rhetorical theory/criticism, communication ethics/propaganda, and media ecology. His dissertation articulates the rhetorical theory that generated early American petitioning (1789-1830) and demonstrates how the deferential form of the petition created a rich democratic dialogue between the political and public spheres. Dr. Stewart is currently working with a colleague on a book about a Christian response to the technopoly.

When Dr. Stewart isn't reading, taking students to Germany, or advising the Communication club, you might find him combing estate sales and yard sales for vintage musical instruments or manual typewriters. He is also a member of the Tampa Bay Soaring Society where he enjoys flying sailplanes and gliders. According to Dr. Stewart "We wish to inform you that tomorrow we will be killed with our families: Stories from Rwanda" by Phillip Gourevitch is the best written non-fiction work, the finest master of American English is E.B. White, and the best novel of all time is "The Brother's Karamazov" by Dostoevsky... or maybe "Till We Have Faces by" C.S. Lewis. Stewart's intellectual and faith hero is Jacques Ellul. He has 5 adult children, 3 grandchildren, and 836 "friends" on Facebook. He worships with his wife at Trinity Presbyterian Church.