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Rebecca R. Sumner

College of Education

Assistant Principal


M.Ed., Educational Leadership, Southeastern University
B.S., Exceptional Student Education, Southeastern University


Ms. Rebecca Sumner has a passion for teaching and servant leadership. She felt the Lord place a specific calling on her to serve students with disabilities and their families. Ms. Sumner graduated from Southeastern University in 2010 with a Bachelor of Science in Exceptional Student Education. In the Fall of 2010, Ms. Sumner began her teaching career at a public school in Polk County as an Exceptional Student Education (ESE) teacher where she taught middle school students with varying exceptionalities in self-contained, resource, inclusion, and gifted classes.

Ms. Sumner transitioned to working at a private school in Polk County as an Exceptional Student Education (ESE) teacher for kindergarten to 8th grade. As a result of her passion for teaching and servant leadership, Ms. Sumner partnered with the teachers and parents to develop the school’s program for students with disabilities. In July 2018, Ms. Sumner joined Southeastern University as a classroom teacher at Pathways School of Excellence and in July 2020, Ms. Sumner pursued her passion for servant leadership and transitioned into the role of Assistant Principal at Pathways School of Excellence.